Day 60p: A quite early Check-IN … (06/13/2019)

It was a bit too early to ask in the low-cost Gite d’Etape about possible lodging for the night*, so I followed my usual course of action and spent some much-appreciated solace-time in the beautiful church across the street … 🙂

“Why do you call me Good? No one is truly noble but God Himself alone … As such, let each exalt in his or her own martyrdom of love & kindness, and never that of others.” ~ via Jesus Christ (in Mark 10:18 & Luke 18:19) & St. Francis of Assisi

*While not a pure donativo, this particular Gite was one of the state-supported, 5 Euro-per-night affairs that sometimes allowed mendicant Peace Pilgrims like myself to sleep somewhere on the floor or, if fortunate, on a sofa.