Day 60f: The Light, both above & Within … (06/13/2019)

The steep path leveled off thereafter, leaving its shaded incline behind in favor of a stiflingly hot and brilliantly lit path that ambled across a broad plateau. And it was here that I once again came across my pilgrim-friend Len (who I had first met 8 days prior in La Clauze), and was blessed to walk smoothly & chat amiably alongside him all the way to the town of Noailhac, where a local church (as radiant within as the Sun was without) once again provided me with shelter from the shining sky and solace for my simmering Soul … 🙂

“A city built on a high mountain cannot fall; nor can it ever be fully hidden. Love offered to strangers & enemies cannot be given subtly, nor can it ever truly fail once given.” ~ via Jesus Christ (see Matthew 5:14 & Thomas 32)