Day 60d: A gently constant Gratitude … (06/13/2019)

I eventually made it all the way up to the tiny path-side chapel (a chapel dedicated to St. Foy, patron saint of pilgrims & prisoners alike) that overlooked medieval Conques far down in the valley below. It was apparently customary for pilgrims to ring the church bell there before flowing onward, and I had no trouble at all joyfully doing so that day … 🙂

“If you have true gratitude, it will express itself incessantly & automatically. It will become a facet of your vision, seen in everything around you. Like the fragrance from a flower, it is offered up constantly, both when the sun shines upon you and when the boot crushes you underfoot. Like the fragrance of a flower, your gratitude becomes a part of who you are, and flows forth from you from the moment you awaken each morning to the instant you fall asleep each night.” ~ inspired by Sri Chinmoy