Setting Love Free (January 18th) …

January 18Setting Love Free: Today, write a love-letter to Life. Be specific regarding what you are thankful for as well as what has most Blessed you in the past. Conclude your letter with a brief “Mission Statement” – your current belief as to what you are Here to Do on Earth (for others) in this lifetime. Put the letter into a bottle and set it afloat on any body of water.

A true letter of true Love is not proscribed by expectation or hope, but rather is an unchained testimony of gentle devotion. It is with this in mind that I wrote the following and set it afloat:

Dear Father,

Let me in every moment choose to be as beautiful within

as your Universe that enfolds me.

in Love & Peace,


And with that, all the demands of the task were fulfilled. I expressed appreciative gratitude for the Beauty of Life (the perfect essence of Light & Love that enfolds me now, just as it has since my conception). And because the letter only has one sentence, its beginning is also its conclusion, where I make it my new “Mission Statement”:  to become a clear reflection of God’s prefect Beauty – in essence, to become a clear reflection of perfect Love.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
