Day 59e: A most magical Meandering … (06/12/2019)

“Lots of folks like to talk about ‘magic’ and yet so few of them can come close to clarifying the same. For me ‘magic’ is the nigh-impossible-to-define quality of anything & everything in life that stirs up our feelings of amazement, awe, intrigue, and above all wonder. Magic is that which renders something beautiful in a sense far greater than merely the physical or the intellectual or the emotional. It is that which makes us deeply feel as if the world is more than it is presently understood to be — and that we ourselves are an inextricable part of that amazing Oneness. Magic underlies the relationship between us all — human to human; human to animal; human to nature; human to Earth; human to Cosmos. It brings together and unifies the shimmering brightness with the deepest shadow — and ultimately harmonizes the ineffable immensities of birth and death. This is why the experience of being in the presence of something truly magical is always an empowering & immensely uplifting experience. Magic, when understood this way, ever surrounds us. Magic, when embraced this way, brings deep meaning to every step along our walk of life.” ~ inspired by Brendan Myers