Greetings from Burgos … (10/06/08)

“We may all start the day with good-bad dreams, concerns, hopes, thoughts but soon the rhythm of the sticks and steps erases it all.  It has been fascinating to see that on the most treacherous parts of the path, pilgrims have taken the rocks there and made spirals, snails, hearts, birds, and towers.

It is definitely the people as well as the path that make this into a Journey.  I sat in a dark cathedral one evening and a old woman villager came in to pray.  She put a coin in a mysterious box and suddenly the cathedral was lit with gold.  We continue to cross paths with certain pilgrims until it seems our business with them is done.  A Franciscan monk in Tosantos said to us ‘Rather than you doing the Camino–let the Camino do you’.  It is doing us.  I find the flesh of a nectarine in the morning sunlight as beautiful as the incredible art experienced in the cathedral at Burgos.” ~ Suzanna Alexander