Day 58d: The luxury of the Austere … (06/11/2019)

As I neared the town of Espalion, I came across the mysterious church of St. Hilarian de Perse located on its outskirts. Much remains unknown about this red sandstone, ornately carved, colorfully frescoed, and yet austerely outfitted 12th century (or possibly even 11th century) Roman chapel, and yet what is still clear beyond any doubt is the profound calm that descends upon (and somehow wells up from within) all those who enter to rest beneath its arched ceiling … :O

“While God waits ever patiently for men to build His temple with Love & Forgiveness, they continue to use stones & mortar instead. And yet it remains the nature of the Divine to imbue all things fully, and as such — despite the best of these worst efforts of man — God resides within his churches as well.” ~ inspired by Rabindranath Tagore

P.S. Unconditional Love is an exceptionally simple concept, and as such it makes complete sense that it is far better reflected in things completely ungaudy and only slightly adorned — much like this small wooden carving of Joseph (not Mary, interestingly) holding the toddler Jesus in his arms, found nestled snugly in a quiet back corner of the church … 😉