Day 57r: All aglow with GOD … (06/10/2019)

Susi & Pina & I eventually made it all the way to the incredibly beautiful city of St. Come d’Olt, where we parted ways in graceful gratitude (with Susi & Pina stopping on the outskirts of town to pitch their tent at the local camping ground), and I proceeded onward alone through the gorgeous city streets, making my way (as usual) for the church spire seen at the center of town. The church proved to be a building that was lovely on the outside, yes, and yet its beauty was far more afire within … 😀

“Religion is nothing but institutionalized mysticism, with the ultimate catch being the fact that mysticism does not lend itself to institutionalization. In truth, the moment anyone attempts to organize mysticism, the essence of that wonderment is veiled and dampened. Of course, those who have transcended the shackles of all religious dogma know full well that even the most callous & condemnatory religion can never come close to destroying the mysticism that inspired it. The ineffable wonders of the mystical can never be fully covered over, and are just as available & witnessable in so-called “Houses of God” as they are in any natural vista.” ~ inspired by Tom Robbins