Day 57i: Not hearing the Hints … (06/10/2019)

I continued onward along the difficult-but-gorgeous path — up & Up & UPward — sporadically passing fellow pilgrims as I climbed. Interestingly enough at the time (a thought noted completely in retrospect, of course), almost every single one of these compatriot walkers was of a noticeably advanced age, and just as intriguing, almost every single one of them spoke of heading to a secluded refuge that was not found on the Camino proper and of which I had never heard mention before. The lovely “Family Cadiou” (pictured below) even went so far as to listen raptly to my tale and then pull out a topographical map to show me clearly enough that the route upon which we were all presently meandering indeed looked to be heading away from my day’s desired destination — not towards the same. And yet my mild-mannered hubris hugged them all just as heartfeltedly, said my farewells, and then chalked it all up to the winding nature of the Camino — never once even vaguely speculating that I was not on the Camino at all … :O

“Families can be messy, and immortal families eternally so. As such, sometimes the best we can do is to act in way so as to remind each other that we are indeed all related for better or for worse — to try and keep the maiming to a minimum, and the caring to a maximum.” ~ inspired by Rick Riordan