Day 56k: A most friendly Fire … (06/09/2019)

I sat for awhile after repairing my shoes, and was considering heading back out onto The Way when a neighboring café-patron (who had seen my nifty repair-work and presumably read my smock) struck up quite a jovial conversation that soon became quite Meaning-full. It turned out that Francis was a local photographer taking a short break from searching for visions to photograph, and it turned out as well that he was fully fascinated with my Walk — both how I was walking it, as well as why I was doing so. In fact, Francis was so fascinated by the same that after we parted ways and he had driven away, he turned his car around, found me walking alongside Nasbinals’ primary thoroughfare, and pulled over to give me the rest of the bread he had brought along for his own journey that day … :O 😀

“Life only truly starts once Love becomes truly given.” ~ inspired by Clemence Dane