Day 55f: Simmering in Silence … (06/08/2019)

I only ended up walking 16 kilometers today (that’s just 10 miles, for all you non-metric folks out there), and yet my legs were exhausted and hurting pretty intensely by the time Madeleine & Loca & I amble-hobbled into the day’s final destination of Aumont-Aubrac. That being said, there is something energetically uplifting about entering a town after a long day’s trek, and something psychologically soothing about sitting for awhile in its cool, quiet, stone church just thereafter … 🙂

“My celestial Father, I have no idea where I am going and often do not clearly see even the road directly ahead of me. As such I cannot know for certain where my Road will end, nor can I even claim to truly know myself while walking it. I am deeply aware that believing I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so, and yet I have a humble faith that an earnest desire to fulfill your designs does in fact in some way lead me to do so. Please know that I intend to kindle that same full-fledged desire in all that I do during every single day of my life, and that I have a solid faith that if I do this you will indeed lead me by the Right Road — and this, even in times when the same is fully obscured from view. In this way I will transcend my fear and choose The Way of Love — even when completely lost; even when walking fully in the shadow of death ” ~ inspired by Thomas Merton