Day 53i: LOVE, our truest Color … (06/06/2019)

Terri and I eventually came to a place on the trail where The Way crossed and briefly flowed alongside a relatively busy roadway, and I became a bit concerned for Terri’s safety — as she was indeed quite young and showed no signs of appropriate respect when it came to oncoming traffic … :O

And it was precisely here where I crossed paths with Gilles, a fellow pilgrim who had just so happened to have spent the previous night in Chazeaux — in the hostel-home of Marie Aimee & Louis, the same delightful couple I had met a few hours previous* — the same couple who had graciously fed me (and Terri as well) as I sauntered through their village — and the same couple who had headed out thereafter, and who had just happened to honk and wave as they drove by Gilles and I while we exchanged pleasantries alongside the roadway … :O :O

Gilles proved to be utterly fascinated by my pilgrim-partnership with Terri, and wholeheartedly supportive of my Walk in general, and we decided to walk together for awhile in deep conversation as a result — all the way to the lovely little pathside chapel of St. Roch, where Gilles helped witness in French to the amazingness of my Walk to the fellow pilgrims we met there**, where said pilgrims responded to me rummaging through a nearby trash can (looking for food for Terri, not myself) with selfless gifts of food, and where Terri began showing her more self0absorbed colors — by trying to abandon me in favor of Gilles and the sausage he was odiferously carrying in his pack … :O :O :O

“Every human activity can be put at the service of the Divine. As such we should all frequently exercise our gift to build community through acts of selfless Love.” ~ via Jean Vanier

*Marie Aimee & Louis had both adamantly refused to be photographed for this tome, though they did consent to have their names mentioned herein … 😉

**I offer a heartfelt shout out to the wonderful Kindness displayed that day by Danny, Dominique, Grazyna, Anne, Christian, and Emilie … 😀