Day 53g: An appropriately favored Word … (06/06/2019)

Terri and I pulled briefly into the hostel rest-stop at Sauvage, and while we were not met with any sizable amount of Kindness there, I was able to witness a signaged tribute to one of my favorite French words — Poubelle (pronounced poo-bell), which means nothing short of “garbage” or “refuse” … 😀

“The readiness of many to assume a personal responsibility for the imminent threats to our global environment is deceptively reassuring: They like to announce their guilt since, if they are indeed guilty, it all depends on them — and thus they are the ones who can save themselves. Of course, what is really hard for these folks to accept is that their feeble attempts at positive change — recycling old paper, buying organic food, installing long-lasting light bulbs, taking shorter showers — are in actuality nothing more than attempts as useless as they are hollow. For unless we are willing to at the very least fully cease to confine & commodify & consume our non-human cousins, our otherwise objectively impotent activities amount to nothing more than the vapid soccer fan who fervently supports his or her team in front of a TV screen at home; shouting & jumping up from his or her seat on the sofa in the weak-minded belief that doing so will somehow influence the game’s outcome. Newsflash: It doesn’t, it can’t, and it won’t.” ~ inspired by Slavoj Žižek