Day 51e: Making it to the Kingdom … (06/04/2019)

Thereafter I was able to walk without much difficulty under cool-while-mostly-sunny skies (graced as they were with a regular smattering of blessed cloud-cover), all the way to the lovely little town of St. Christoph sur Dolaizon with its peace-full little church and its friendly little town hall — the latter of which being the place where I was allowed to sit for awhile and pen the following missive to those who were following The Walk online … πŸ™‚

“Greetings once again, my dear Friends! After flowing into Le Puy en Velay yesterday and onward into the little town of St. Christoph sur Dolaizon this morning, I am able once again to send you an electronic update of my very non-electronic Trek … πŸ˜‰ … And as I do so, a wish to commence with the following brief apology: Up until now I have been sporadically given quite time-limited access to the Internet; an actuality that has forced me to choose between giving bare-bones accounts of my adventures or mere non-storied ‘check ins’ as to my whereabouts.

I by no means consider myself to be ‘a writer’ (I am simply a Peace Pilgrim who loves to write) and yet I do like to flesh out stories whenever I tell them, and sincerely regret that I have not been able to do so for you all during my Great Adventure to date. Indeed, I would have loved to go into detail in past emails about the conversation I had with the Geneva police as they were tossing me out of the bank foyer where I had been sleeping quite soundly (Me: “Maybe you guys could take me to jail for the night?” Officer #01: “Our jails are not hotels.”) — or the time I was deliciously humbled just south of Biel in Switzerland when a woman refused to give me water because she was “too busy” watering her plants (:O !!!) — or the time I stumbled exhausted into a beautiful mountaintop Abbey Chapel (Notre Dame de Surieu) where a group of nuns were in silent prayer while a tiny robin flitted gently through the rafters from stained-glass window to stained-glass window … πŸ˜€

In truth, there have been sooooo many Beauty-full (and often quite miraculous) encounters to share and soooooo little time with which to share them … (sigh) … No matter — I will share what I can share and you will simply have to wait for the book to be released to hear the rest, n’est ce pas?”

πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

β€œIf you want to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven, then you must repeatedly strive to make this world more heavenly for others.” ~ inspired by Nitin Namdeo