Day 51c: Ever blown aWay … (06/04/2019)

While the natural tempo with which I walked steadily rose the closer I got to Santiago (and thus the longer I was allowing my hips and legs to heal from the trauma they had endured during the Walk’s initial stages), there remained quite regularly pilgrims who would blow past me as though I were standing still. And while it was tempting to pick up my own pace when such a more-harried passing took place, I soon chose to do exactly the opposite — stopping completely in my tracks as my more fleet-of-foot compatriots raced around bends next or over horizons near, and then gazing deeply at the incredible Beauty that was always quite close by … 😀

“When you are truly in flow, the relationship between what a you intend to do, what you easily can do, and what you are doing become perfectly harmonious. In this state of mind, challenges are neither too easy nor too difficult — as one’s efforts are properly calibrated; always within one’s wheelhouse of possibility, yet also always a notch or two beyond one’s perceived capabilities. In flow, one takes bold leaps into the difficult unknown, and yet simultaneously refuses to strive or struggle while doing so.” ~ inspired by Daniel Pink