Day 50j: Sitting with the Sacred … (06/03/2019)

And so it was that — after 50+ days of journeying and some 750+ kilometers (460+ miles) of walking — I finally walked slowly and quite reverently up the long & wide staircase that led into the Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy, a destination that was as majestic within as it was without — the endpoint to the beginning of my Walk for Peace, and the next Beginning of the end of the same … 🙂

In truth, I hadn’t expected to find over 100 fellow pilgrims in attendance there that morning — almost all of whom had yet to begin their pilgrimage; almost all of whom had yet to walk a single meter of The Way. In similar verity, I didn’t expect to be as moved as I was at the time — moved with deep compassion for all these still-fit and not-yet-tested brothers & sisters, and moved with profound gratitude over myself somehow having been allowed to have already come so far … 😀

“Spiritual humility is not about debasing oneself or in anyway becoming small, but is rather about approaching everything and everyone encountered with a readiness to see the goodness ever within them and be surprised by the enormous beauty ever nearby. This is the same humility of a toddler (not that of a mere ‘child’) which Jesus himself championed. It is the humility of the scientist as much as it is the humility of the mystic. It has a lightness of step, never a heaviness of heart; a lightness that is the surest litmus test I know for recognizing real wisdom — whether you see the same in the world or feel its stirrings within yourself. It is a pleasure to wonder at the ineffable mystery we all embody and find delight in the vastness of reality that is embedded in our very cores. And, most critical of all, it is a privilege and indeed an honor to hold something within our minds as resilient as hope and enliven something with our bodies as robust as kindness, both of which together have the power to shift the world on its axis and tilt all of mankind staunchly back towards Heaven.” ~ inspired by Krista Tippett