Day 48q: Won’t you be my Neighbor? … (06/01/2019)

And there I was — once again walking along reasonably well (my hips were protesting less and less the closer I got to Le Puy; the first of The Walk’s three primary “goals”) under beautiful sunny skies. And yet still I found my ego instinctively wondering where I was going to sleep that coming night, and where — or whether — I was going to be offed my next meal …

Well, as was so often the case on this most amazing Journey, no sooner did my mind wander into the selfish regions of want and angst when Grace reached out her velvet hand and gave me so much more than my tiny ego could have ever imagined — this time in the form of the once-a-year town picnic thrown by the citizens of the tiny hamlet of Les Moulins. Indeed, no sooner did I amicably wave to said local revelers while walking past than they* even more jovially invited me in, sat me down at their table, brought me a cold beer, listened to my Walk’s abbreviated tale, and then told me that I was now officially a member of their neighborhood — and was effectively commanded to remain there a while and regale them with stories of Peace & Wonder while they ladled my plate with all the vegan foods they had on hand … :O 😀

“Love — real LOVE — is always made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure: 01) the intellectual acceptance of all that is being felt, 02) the emotional appreciation of all that is being seen, and 03) the active adoration of all who are being encountered.” ~ via Vera Nazarian

*An extra special Shout-Out of THANKS to Aurore, Corinne, Annie, and Philippe … 😉