Day 48a: The greatest Reward … (06/01/2019)

I woke early this day, took another warm shower to “jump start” my still aching body, created Annick & Bernard’s “Peace Stone”, left the same on the kitchen table with a note of heartfelt thanks, and headed back out onto The Road just as the sun began rising behind me … 🙂

“Shakti Gawain has espoused the fondly held postulation that the Universe always rewards the one who takes risks on its behalf. And yet what Shakti has possibly forgotten is a far greater Truth; the one that all peace pilgrims and communal servants already know — namely, the Truth that taking risks on the Universe’s behalf (more often than not in the form of sacrificing one’s own comfort for the betterment of others) is itself the greatest reward one can ever hope to receive.” ~ anonymous