Day 46s: When we are truly all ONE … (05/30/2019)
After a stopover in town that was intended to be but brief, I ultimately found myself in a local tavern asking for one last glass of water before once again heading back out onto The Road. And yet what did I meet therein but another blast of unexpected warmth & hospitality, with co-owner Melinda treating me to a delicious wayside repast of fresh bread, fresh salad, and some fresh water to boot! … 😀
“Love cannot exist when there is a self, for Love is boundless — and therefore selfless — and therefore ever existing beyond the confines and limitations of a single self. Indeed, real & limitless Love is much more than a mere word or concept. It is an immeasurable force that can only be re-enlivened when there is no division between two or more beings; when all nearby come together as one.” ~ inspired by Nicholas Blewett