Day 38c: From which all is Reborn … (05/22/2019)

Serendipity — the happenstance of receiving good fortunes unsought or unexpected — is a word (and indeed a principle) I revere quite fondly, and nowhere is it more obviously radiant than when walking a pilgrimage; like finding myself wondering where my “Chaumont saviors” Juergen & Jennifer had spent the previous night and where they might be walking that very morning, and then looking over to my right to see them both smiling there — to watch them get up from their morning rest-stop, approach me with warm greetings and even warmer hugs, and then serenade me with the same beautiful song they had unknowingly sung for me in the little Charly chapel a few days prior … 😀

“Love cannot be found, nor can It hope to be created. Indeed, we cannot find what we already innately possess, nor can we hope to create that from which all is reborn. As such, Love is either boldly chosen and actively enlivened, or it doesn’t exist at all.” ~ anonymous