Day 36b: To walk The Way … (05/20/2019)
“None of our knowledge, our reading, or our connections are ultimately of any use. Two legs, two open eyes with which to see and a single open Heart with which to Care – these alone suffice. Walk alone-yet-interconnected through life, in cities and across mountains and through forests. Remember that you are nobody to the hills or the thick boughs heavy with greenery, and almost as little to the sleeping strangers you pass along the way. When you walk in this manner, the world has neither present nor future: it owns nothing but the cycle of mornings and evenings, and contains nothing but the person or being nearest by. In this way you have nothing to do but to walk and to pause and to Love. Indeed the walker who marvels in this way while walking has no past, no plans, and purpose – in truth he has no self-focus at all. Rather, he has within him an eternal and most divine Child – the child that sees astounding beauty in everything around him; the Child who seeks only to laugh with and be Kind towards all the others he meets. It is while walking in this manner that we become a simple heartfelt gaze It is while walking in this manner that we become open arms. It is while walking in this manner that we become LOVE itself.” ~ inspired by Frédéric Gros