Specific Gratitudes (January 9th) …

January 09Specific Gratitudes: Take a few moments this morning and write out a list of ten (10) things for which you are Thank-full. To help get you started, at the top of the list write “Life”, then “Consciousness”, then “Free Will” and then “Nature’s Wonders”. You get to fill in the final six spaces – three of them with past Joys and three of them with current Blessings … Read this list once every hour all day today. Feel your Gratitude – and then act accordingly!

This one was lots of fun. It was a little tricky thinking of anything “good enough” to fill our my “Top 10”, until I remembered one of the great truths of radical Gratitude: there is no such thing! As long as we are focusing consciously on being Thank-full, and as long as we are doing so with our conscious acts of kindness as opposed to our mere internal thoughts, then everything that inspires the same is of equal amazingness.

So, here is the list I made, carried with me, and referred to today:

I am Thank-full for:

01. my Life – that I have been filled with the vibrant essence of Source.

02. my Consciousness – that I am aware of that Life.

03. my Free Will – that I can, in any moment, choose to further Peace over conflict.

04. Nature’s Wonders – that beauty surrounds me always, if I but have the humility to See it.

05. my Conscience (“Moral Guidance” or “synchronicity”) – that we all have been blessed with an innate knowledge of “right” (kindness) and “wrong” (self-centeredness).

06. my Friends – both those in my past who were “nice”, and those in my present who are unconditionally supportive.

07. my Enemies – both those in my past who were “mean”, and those in my present who ridicule & criticize.

08. my mind/body – both its ability to fear (that I am allowed to transcend with Love) and its ability to perceive my surroundings (that I use in that transcendence).

09. my Sanctuary – its Peace that I use to emPower my relaying of Love’s Truth to others.

10. my Calling – the life of a Numinous Nomad, flowing amongst Humanity to illuminate the Way of Peace.

In fact, while I liked my list very much, I didn’t stop there.

Here are some of my additional Big Gratitudes …

I am thankful for the fires that warm the Soul,

and the rains that cleanse the mind.

I am thankful that every act of Giving never ceases to soothe,

and that powerful Kindness is always just a hug away.

I am thankful for masters of Joy,

and Guides of Peace.

I am thankful for Nature’s smaller miracles,

and the laughter of children.

And I am thankful for the Universal assistance always at hand,

and my ability to continue to give Love regardless of the circumstances.

These are my constant miracles of Gratitude.

Let me engage my days accordingly!

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
