Day 32j: Sustained by the Giving … (05/16/2019)

The day proceeds, as days are wont to do, and my hips soon begin to tell me in no uncertain terms that I need to slow waaaaaay down — so slow way down I do; limping along step by step by step; looking for a bench upon which to pause and rest. No such place-for-purposeful-pause appears, of course, so I simply limp onward, finally wobbling into the lovely town of Prangins …

I stop in briefly at the Prangins Museum café for a bit of resting & writing (Thank you Laeticia & Luisa for the kind respite from the Road you provided!) and then flow-hobble thereafter into the small bakery across the street from the neighboring Prangins Temple. Mary Jo is at the register when I do so and, after hearing briefly about my Walk and its way — along with my standard request for some water, joyfully offers me an entire loaf of fresh-baked bread ( :O ) — a slab of sustenance I munched upon quite happily while walking onward to Nyon … 😀

“Closer than the wind, you are the air I breathe.
Sweeter than life itself, you are my being.
I am a pilgrim, you are my road.
I am a prisoner; you are my freedom …
I am the singer; you are my song.
Held in the open sky, within as much as above,
I am the lover; you are my Love.”

~ inspired by Rumi