Day 32f: Gaining by Giving … (05/16/2019)

“Allow me to repeat some advice I have given before, that being: Most people really should make a radical change in their lifestyle and begin to boldly do the things they have until now been too hesitant or too afraid to attempt …

So many live quite unhappy circumstances and yet simultaneously refuse to take the initiative and change their situation, primarily because they have been conditioned to remain ensconced in a life that conservatively strives for security &/or comfort; both of which appear to give peace of mind, and yet both of which in reality are actually incredibly damaging to the spirit within.

Indeed, the very basic core of a living spirit — the very thing that gives life its most fundamental expressions of meaning & purpose — is the ability to know adventure via willing and intentional self-sacrifice. Yes, the ultimate joy of life comes not from our mere encounters with new experiences or fresh forms of pleasure, but rather is solely re-instilled in those few who have the gumption and indeed the gall to give their lives wholeheartedly to a deed or a cause that resides outside themselves. In truth, it is this choice and this choice alone that gives life a horizon that truly scintillates; it is this way and this way alone that allows each day to have ‘a new and different sun.’

My Friends, merely immersing in human relationships or boldly risking unconventional behaviors or appreciatively witnessing the beauties of Nature are in & of themselves never enough to know real Joy. For real Joy only comes to those who have the courage to honor the last by embracing the first — those who appreciate the beauty of Life while truly immersing themselves in human relationships, and this by joyfully sacrificing themselves wholeheartedly thereto.” ~ inspired by Jon Krakauer