Day 27c: Kindness is the Healing … (05/11/2019)
While it is true that there were several days during The Walk that proved to be far more difficult overall, it is just as true that this particular day proved to be by far the most painful of all when it came to taking physical steps forward. My shin-splint was still acting up by sending me its bi-stride shoutings of shooting pain, to be sure, and yet it was my left hip-flexor strain (coupled with a minor groin pull) that proved to be the day’s primary culprit — causing me to limp pitifully along at an incredibly slow pace and bringing the entire Walk to a repeated halt every few steps along the way. The mid-morning jaunt became so painful, in fact, that I regularly forced myself to laugh out oud over the involuntary gasps & wincings I was emitting with almost every other step … :O
Fortunately I didn’t have to limp far until I was blessed with a rising vision of the beautiful multi-hued church steeple in the small township of Granges Manard, and I made way thereto with freshened resolve; hoping against all hope that the church would be open and that I could find assistance (or at least take refuge) therein …
Well, as was almost always the case when dealing with evangelical churches during the entirety of my European portion of the Walk, the church was locked up tight and no one was home in the neighboring parsonage either. That said, I was more than doubly blessed thereafter when I knocked on the door of the house next door and was greeted with an astounding warmth & kindness by Thierry, the owner thereof. He heard briefly about my Walk and its purpose and then, to his humble credit, immediately invited me inside to meet his wife (Marie) and son (Jonathan) and share a midday meal with them … :O 🙂
I freely & readily admit that this encounter was one of the most Joy-full of my entire pilgrimage. Not only were my newfound Friends sincerely interested in the pilgrimage itself, but all three of them were just as intrigued by my message of radical Kindness — the same degree of gentle Caring that they themselves purely extended while sharing their food and their home and indeed their lives with me that day … 😀 😀 😀
“Develop a heartfelt interest in your life. For the world is so innately rich; ever throbbing with scintillating treasures, beautiful visions, and wonderful people. Go forth boldly, my sons & daughters — and remember to forget yourself along the way.” ~ inspired by Henry Miller