Acting on Intuition (January 7th) …

January 07Acting on Intuition: Put a six-sided die or a special coin or two same-sized stones (one dark & one light) into your pocket. Then, base all decisions today on the “roll of the dice” (e.g. odd #’s or white stone or heads = “Yes” & even #’s or black stone or tails = “Not now”).

Note that intuition is more accurately activated if you pause and think earnestly on the decision to be made before you then consult your “random decision generator”. Note as well that every choice you make will ultimately have harmonious consequences – if your intention is selfless and you engage it with courage.

Normally, we process “concrete” perceptions from our surroundings (those we can access using our five primary senses) in order to make our decisions. Most folks go out of there way to affirm their belief in this “real world”, where choices are made on “evidence” supporting “sound theories” that are backed up by “facts”.

And yet, even though they are far more subtle, and even though they prove to be malleable to interpretation, the information gathered by our “hearts” is just as reliable. Just as a river simply “knows” how to flow with least resistance through a particular landscape, so too our intuition “knows” how we can most harmoniously behave in any give moment.

Of course, this deeper knowledge taps into an information source so vast and so subtle that it can only be communicated in archetype, in symbol or in “electro-magnetic resonance” (the primal Awareness of our base level of “security” – how are bodies are resonating with their surroundings. This sense is very real and forms the basis for the harmonizing discipline known as Feng Shui). Still, this knowledge is there for the accessing, if we but have the humility to accept its existence, the persistence to learn its language and the courage to follow its impulses.

So if we are to access our intuition, it might help to understand what intuition is.

For some, it is known as the “right brain”; the part of our brains that is responsible for creativity, spatial awareness, aesthetic appreciation, and , yes, intuition.

For others, it is known as the “3rd Eye”; the very real part of our Awareness that senses and interprets our constant & profound interconnection with the entire Universe.

And still others believe that it is tied to conscious self-awareness; our ability to actively embrace the All by acting on all whim & “hunch”.

What intuition really embraces is the embodiment of your True Self. Of course, it is necessary to act on its impulses in order to rediscover its full essence. Just like you have to courageously actualize your innate, caring Self in order to re-member that very real identity.

Similar to today’s task, to access this deeper Awareness, it is necessary not so much to mentally “go within” ourselves as it is to courageously & actively immerse ourselves into our surroundings.

We must first pause to feel our environment, then have the courage to act on those feelings (especially if they “ask” us to behave in ways our egos consider to be “irresponsible”, “irrational”, “unproductive” or even “dangerous”).

And once we do so, it is critical to detach from all outcomes – to avoid hoping for any concrete results or expecting any specific experiences. In this way we will be able to flexibly adjust to the fresh “right-brain” Truths that we subtly feel while engaging those actions.

In conclusion then, intuition is represented fully in the image that follows – with the “white orb” of the Sun representing the information that flows upon and around us from our surroundings in every moment, the “blue orb” representing our internal mental awareness of our intuitive connection with the same, and the small “red orb” representing how we choose to act in response thereto. When all three are in alignment, we experience emPowerment and Peace. When they are not, we do not.

So today, I used the only coin in my possession (a quarter under my desk that I didn’t even know I had) to make my decisions. I paused regularly throughout my life, thought intently about the alternatives present in any given moment, framed a yes-or-no question related to those choices, and then flipped the coin to “choose” – commencing with deciding what to eat for breakfast and concluding with when I should write this blog entry.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
