Day 08c: Saved by the Preacher … (04/22/2019)

While the churches in the United States were disturbingly dismissive along The Walk’s way (with not a single one offering me lodging and only a handful offering even the most meager forms of sustenance during my 5+ week, 800+ mile stroll from Brooklyn to Chattanooga), the Catholic churches in Switzerland and France regularly proved to be quite the opposite. And so was the case on this particular day, when I hobble-limped into the town of Wolfach at dusk and was repeatedly turned away by a number of local hotels and hostels, only to be kindly taken in by Father Hannes Rummele of the local parish, who graciously allowed me to sleep on the oh-so-soft sofa in his church’s youth rec-room … 🙂

“Live like a hero, even when those around you dismiss your efforts to do so – nay, especially while they do so. After all, that is what all the classics ultimately teach us. That especially in times of despair or ignonimity we are to choose to live nobly and selflessly; we are to choose to be heroic characters in life. Otherwise what worth does that life ultimately hold?” ~ inspired by J.M. Coetzee