Day 05b: Healing Healthcare … (09/13/18)

After I was finally admitted to the hospital in Nagold (having endured a 30 minute wait before someone finally called an ambulance, a 30 minute wait for that ambulance to finally arrive, another 30 minute wait riding in the back of the same, and a fourth 30 minute wait in the hospital lobby while my paperwork was processed) I received my first dose of IV-fed painkillers and settled in to wait for my kidney stone to pass. After breakfast arrived later that morning — a breakfast consisting almost entirely of animal-based “foods” — I calmly & respectfully explained to the staff of the facility that I was a vegan, why I was a vegan, and what being a vegan meant (i.e. that I only ate plants, that I do so because I refuse to contribute to the suffering of innocent sentient beings for my mere personal convenience or pleasure, and that as such I would either be eating plant-based dishes during my stay there or nothing at all). They assured me after I did so that they fully understood what I was telling them and that they would happily accommodate my wishes …

The first picture below shows what they brought me for lunch thereafter — and the second shows what I thought about that 2nd “meal” … 🙁

It truly baffled the mind that the patients in that healthcare facility’s urology wing would be given animal-based “foods” that were not only directly linked to the same urinary tract complications the facility was trying to heal, but that have also been proven to directly contribute to the far more grave afflictions of colon cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes as well … :O

And how utterly bizarre it was that in the year 2018 (in a mid-sized hospital in the highly “advanced” country of Germany, no less) it was impossible for otherwise intelligent & moral people to understand the fundamental ethical difference between consuming plants and eating animals, much less make the truly minimal effort required to act accordingly. And quite frankly, it baffles my mind still (and still saddens me quite deeply) that 97% of the human population is still either unable or unwilling to do the same … 🙁 🙁 🙁

And here, some additional information on the all-important topic mentioned herein …

For those who are interested in health & longevity, the memes that precede this one contain information related to the very simple FACT that a plant-based diet is MUCH healthier for ALL humans … Of course, for those who are interested in justice & compassion & basic human decency, the only meme that is needed is this one … Peace