Day 01b: Maximizing the Minimum … (09/09/18)

During any standard pilgrimage the traveler carries very little on his or her person, and does so while journeying in a way intended to further his or her own personal development (&/or ultimately bring him or herself a greater sense of inner peace). In stark contrast, a Peace Pilgrim carries only life’s bare necessities in his or her pack, and does so while walking in a manner that solely intends to lesser the suffering (&/or further the joy) of all others met along the way.

(The images below were captured again in Killesberg Park, where I briefly paused the morning of September 09th to spread out and sort through all of my belongings — ultimately whittling down my few remaining personal possessions to whatever could fit easily into my Osprey messenger bag … Interestingly enough, even after finishing up this somewhat radical cull I still felt as though I was carrying far too much “stuff”, and at least 1/3 of everything seen here was also later jettisoned bit by bit during the first few weeks of The Walk.)