Chapter 15: Different enlightenments; different paths thereto

The fundamental question facing anyone looking to become “more enlightened” is not whether life’s negative challenges must be removed or mitigated, but rather how to go about doing so. Each of the three different Zones of Being goes deals with the limitations pain & frustration & confusion in very different ways; each having very different results. As such, for those interested in setting forth on a new journey to a deeper Enlightenment, feel free to humbly ponder & then courageously pro-act the following …

*Initially, those partaking of Zone 1 principles tackle their difficulties with a never-ending cycle of struggle – a cycle that seeks to destroy enemies forcefully &/or eliminate pain & frustration directly. This tactic is ultimately futile, of course (as enemies always defend themselves and grow stronger after being attacked, and difficulties inevitably resurface after being seemingly “extinguished”), and always leads to exhaustion &/or more suffering. Zone 2 followers, on the other hand, attempt to conquer their troubles by avoiding &/or “climbing above” them (e.g. pondering or learning about life’s “bigger truths,” diving deeper into one’s own thoughts or feelings, establishing “healthy boundaries” against the uncomfortable, &/or surrounding oneself with “good people”). This path is a complicated one with no actual end-destination, and as such proves to be arduous & difficult to follow; leading its travelers to ultimately experience an increase in their pain & suffering as well. In great contrast, Zone 3 participants neither “tackle” nor attempt to defeat their challenges at all; preferring instead to harness the innate potency of the same for the greater Good. These are the ones who know that Enlightenment is not a journey of any distance, nor does it require any large investments of time or energy. They have come to understand hat real Enlightenment is fully available in every moment (especially moments of trial or trauma) and that it can be instantaneously accessed therein. It is not a drawn-out struggle but a moment-to-moment choice – a single choice to transcend the selfish instincts boomed by the ego and replace them with the selfless inclinations ever-whispered by one’s Soul (a.k.a. one’s conscience).



*Whereas Zone 1 advocates attempt to access “enlightenment” via material possessions &/or emotional interactions, Zone 2 acolytes attempt the same using their minds (via reading self-help literature, learning from masters, listening to gurus, &/or meditatively “going within”). Zone 3 assistants, quite differently, access their Enlightenment with their actions – choices made for others instead of self; deeds soaked in caring instead of contemplation. These are the ones who understand that Enlightenment comes from intimate Interconnection; a Oneness that can only arrive when one’s compassionate emotions, loving intentions, and gentle actions exist in harmony with one another.



*Zone 1 affiliates think that Enlightenment is an all-but-impossible journey; that we are all essentially “only human” and that only the very few are blessed with the rare circumstances required to attain a true Awakening. Zone 2 disciples, on the other hand, believe that Enlightenment is an arduous journey, and yet one that can be completed by all – though only via large payments of effort over extended periods of time (and often only when accompanied &/or guided by a “master”). Zone 3 enthusiasts, in a very different manner, know that Enlightenment has nothing to do with the good fortune of one’s circumstances or the content of one’s actions, but rather hinges on the intention with which one interacts with others. These individuals understand that real Awakening is not a journey at all, but rather arrives smoothly & full-fledged during every instant of courageous caring. These are the ones who know that attempts to create or attain or arrive at what isn’t must be replaced by deeds that enhance the harmony of what is. These are the ones who know that Enlightenment is not a journey of a thousand steps, but rather is completely & almost effortlessly realized during every gently loving stride – especially the ones that are terrifying &/or difficult to make. Without worry over possible consequences or concern over “attaining enlightenment,” they simply do what can be done – wherever they already are, for whomever is already at hand, and with whatever they have do it. This is what it means to truly “go with the flow” – this is what it means to be truly Enlightened.



*While Zone 1 patrons deeply sink into their dualistic dogmas, comfortable convictions, &/or bigoted beliefs (a tendency that has them attacking or denigrating those of unlike mind, and only feeling “love” for themselves &/or their friends), Zone 2 devotees tend to openly abandon objective Truth altogether (a mindset that leads to a watering down of Love – via passively accepting of others’ harmful actions &/or feebly justifying one’s own). In glorious contrast, champions of Zone 3 champions know that, while most opinions cannot be fully proven and most truths cannot be concretely known, real Love (i.e. affection that is given humbly, gently, actively, and self-sacrificially) always bears the fruits of enhanced Peace and intensified Joy. It always brings greater harmony when practiced, and as such is the only Truth worth embodying.



*Whereas Zone 1 proponents delight in things that are valuable &/or pleasurable and see their environment as something to be physically influenced, manipulated, &/or dominated for personal gain (and in alignment with cultural expectations & traditional norms – what could be termed “The Power of Mao”), Zone 2 confederates delight in things that are intriguing &/or insightful and interact with their environment with intense mental focus &/or manifested inner calm (often while intentionally flowing against the grain of societal expectations – what some New Age gurus call “The Power of Now”). In bold contrast, Zone 3 enliveners delight in interacting with others – either to relieve their burdens or to enhance their joys. They know their environment as something to be humbly appreciated & courageously harnessed (and this, with no regard whatsoever for their surrounding society’s usual hopes or encouragements; serving wherever it might be of benefit; giving that which is most difficult to give to those “least deserving” of the same – what the truly Enlightened might call “The Power of How”).



*Zone 1 backers think that making kind &/or selfless choices is a “personal sacrifice” that depletes their resources and weakens them. Zone 2 followers, quite differently, believe that making similar decisions is a “moral duty” that depletes their resources and yet strengthens them. Zone 3 adherents, in far greater contrast, see kind &/or selfless choices themselves as their greatest asset; a resource that actually expands while being extended to others, and the only resource worth maintaining at all. These individuals know that choosing to actively care in a willingly self-sacrificial manner makes ones own strength or weakness completely irrelevant – seeing as how one can always give greatly in times of abundance, and one can always give powerfully in any time of lack.



*In contrast to Zone 1 servants (who strive to fulfill their personal desires or avoid their greatest fears) and Zone 2 accomplices (who seek to cleanse themselves of both base desires and primal fears), supporters of the Zone 3 way of living actively transcend their self-centered yearnings by replacing them with desires more noble – the desire to sacrifice for others; the desire to bring love to all enemies; the desire to show kindness to strangers; the desire to serve one’s community.



*Insomuch as Zone 1 satellites fight against what they judge to be “evil” (desiring it to be “weeded out,” punished, &/or destroyed) and feel that Love is useless when employed against it, Zone 2 crusaders tend to merely observe the “evil” around them (believing that it will inevitably be crushed by the greater Universe without any help or effort on their part) and feeling that Love is dangerous &/or even irresponsible when offered to the same. Zone 3 participants, in glowing contrast, choose to extend seemingly “evil” beings open expressions of generosity & kindness. These are the ones who know that acts of genuine Love – deeds of caring gentleness that are as effusive as they are unconditional – are always incredibly effective when given to those who seem dysfunctional, destructive, &/or discordant. Firstly, those perceived to be “evil” are merely people who are embodying an extremely low sense of self-esteem – one that invariably stems from a lack of unconditional regard received during their formative years. This is why all forms of judgment &/or attack only serve to encourage even worse behavior from such individuals (by further entrenching the low sense of self-worth that inspired the “evil” in the first place), and this is why any expression of unconditional Love ultimately encourages these people to alter their behaviors in a more positive (i.e. a less harmful) direction, Secondly, all those in the vicinity of such acts of selfless kindness limbically feel the “correctness” of such actions (with all those in the vicinity being deeply moved by such courageous expressions of unity, and all those directly witnessing the same being inspired to behave likewise towards their own “enemies”); meaning that the community at large will inevitably experience less dislike, less aggression, and less violence (and thereby more peace, more affection, and more harmony) as a result of that Loving gesture – and this, even if the direct recipient thereof proves temporarily resistant to the same. Yes, it might be true that the far greater “flow” of the far greater Cosmos might very well one day “iron out” all discord, and yet we would all do well to remember that in the meantime we have all been given the great privilege of helping the same to actualize the same.

Run from what’s comfortable … Forget safety … Live where you fear to live. Disregard your reputation … Be notorious. Sing like the birds sing; not worrying about who hears or what they think. Indeed, why stay at the bottom of a well, when such a strong rope rests in your hand? … Worry not, for in the very moment you set forth to boldly walk upon the path, your true Way will appear underfoot.” ~ via Rumi


*While Zone 1 affiliates think that their circumstances must change for them to attain true happiness and Zone 2 disciples feel that their consciousness must evolve in order to experience “real enlightenment,” Zone 3 enthusiasts know better – namely, that it is their actions that must shift in order to become truly Enlightened (and thereby know the peace & empowerment that comes therewith). Indeed, despite popular Zone 1 beliefs to the contrary, bettering one’s circumstances (i.e. more material comfort &/or less emotional dis-ease) actually prevents the attainment of deep-seated Peace (the Peace that can only come to those choosing to transcend their difficulties or fears, not to those who strive to decrease or dismiss the same). Just as important (and just as contrary to common Zone 2 understanding) is the little-known truth that a significant expansion of consciousness cannot occur at all without beforehand choosing a dramatic evolution of the intentions underlying one’s choices (which often engender a blatant shift in their ensuing behaviors as well). It is not enough for us to wish for a better reality or intensely manifest a better one. No – in order to enliven the greatest version of ourselves (and thereby the most Meaning-full version of our lives) Zone 3 enliveners know that we must choose to fully embody our highest ethics. We must choose to become the change we wish to see – We must choose to boldly embody harmony and compassionately defend justice – We must choose to treat others not how they “deserve” to be treated (or how we wish they would treat us), but rather how they should be treated – namely, with the same gentle kindness that they all innately deserve (and this, regardless of the often bigoted dogmas &/or regularly selfish decisions that indicate otherwise). It is challenging to bring peaceful thoughts to bear on troubling times, and as such the same can help to bring a greater-yet-fleeting calm to one’s life. That having been said, it is extremely difficult (if not downright terrifying) to perform caring deeds during times of distress or conflict, and as such it is only via the same that any profound transformation – of self, of others, &/or of community – can transpire.



Enlightenment is actually not a goal to be attained but a state of being to be repeatedly rediscovered; a state of being found at the very beginning of your awakening, not at its end. Just as real, there is no ready-made path leading thereto. In truth, you must first steadfastly walk your Way to create it by your walking. Enlightenment is ever-present – like the sky, where the birds fly boldly, but leave no footprints. And like the birds, you have not trail left by others to follow. Like the birds, you must leap before you can soar therein.” ~ inspired by Kim Chestney & Osho