Chapter 13a:“active unenlightenment” Trap #01 … feeling superior or “already enlightened”

The first of the aforementioned ego-snares is a type of spirituality superiority complex; the delusion entertained by many Zone 1 advocates & Zone 2 adherents that they already “know enough” or are in many ways “already enlightened.” Feel free to consider the following mental manifestations thereof …

*Whereas Zone 1 advocates see enlightenment as a supreme mental status that is either bestowed upon the innately intelligent at birth or transferred to the culturally sophisticated in their youth, Zone 2 followers frequently fall into the trap of believing that they themselves have already acquired the same intellectual mastery &/or psychological maturity via disciplined study or persistent practice. Zone 3 practitioners, in another mind, escape this philosophical pitfall by remembering that Enlightenment is not a mental clarity to be attained but a sociological awareness to be remembered; not an intellectual acuity to be honed but an emotional gentleness to be re-membered. Those in this Zone 2 state of “active unenlightenment” believe that they must “set aside all childish things,” while those living the Zone 3 lifestyle have chosen to humbly “become again as a child” – seeing life not as a process of endless learning but rather as an endless opportunity to courageously Care.



*While Zone 1 proponents are certain that their Souls are “saved” by praying devoutly &/or worshiping properly, Zone 2 disciples believe (often, quite ironically, just as faithfully as their more religious counterparts) that their Souls (and the Souls of all those of like-mind) are somehow “older”1 – somehow wiser and more worthy of others’ homage or attention; telling others how to ethically behave in the face of crisis even while themselves often sitting back passively in the face of danger or injustice (preferring instead to merely “be in the now” – much like “an old dog resting” – as opposed to courageously defending the innocent or nobly liberating the oppressed). Zone 3 protagonists, on the other hand, see their own Souls equally reflected in all other sentient beings – friend & foe alike – and staunchly refuse to attempt to coerce the “salvation” any Soul – their own or anyone else’s. Through regular acts of selfless service and humble self-sacrifice, they have come to rediscover the Truth that all sentient Souls are equally ageless facets of what many call “the Divine” – that as such it is not our job to “save” that wondrously loving essence, but rather is our distinct privilege to repeatedly & courageously enliven the same.



*Though Zone 1 affiliates are fundamentally concerned with ensuring their own material wealth & escalating their own personal power (a mindset which has them often using unfair physical force &/or deceitful verbal interactions to serve their own best interest – a mindset which generates a large discrepancy between those members’ selfless values of conscience and their egos’ obviously more selfish decisions – a mindset which has them rationalizing their own unjust windfalls while reveling in the downfalls of their enemies), Zone 2 acolytes are primarily focused on accumulating their own knowledge &/or encouraging others to follow their lead (a mindset which has them often employing tactics of verbal persuasion &/or passive-aggressive manipulations to effectuate the same – a mindset which also creates an ever-expanding gap between the selfless ideals affirmed by their conscience and the practices enacted by their egos – a mindset which also has them increasingly believing in the worth of their own intellect & thus the correctness of their own successes). Zone 3 adherents, in bold contrast, are continually concerned first & foremost with immersing themselves in their interactions with others &/or selflessly serving their communities – employing all their resources (be they material, verbal, intellectual, &/or emotional) to do whatever they can for whomever is nearest in need. As such they are fundamentally unconcerned with being “wise” or knowing “the truth,” seeking only to seamlessly harmonize the deepest inclinations of their conscience with the commensurate selflessness of their deeds – a mindset that has them consequently embodying a purity of humbleness that exponentially intensifies the influence &/or effectiveness of all their other-focused, Zone 3 decisions.



*Zone 1 patrons tend to forcefully ladle their own values & beliefs upon the lives of others (regardless of the often very different values & beliefs held by the same) – inevitably leading to painful inflictions of social injustice (including the enslavement & murder of their non-human cousins, &/or the diminishment of civil liberties for their human ones). Somewhat differently, Zone 2 accomplices often pray for &/or attempt to verbally manifest a similar enforcement (including persuading others to adopt their “more humane” methods or their “more enlightened” beliefs for the “highest good”) – invariably creating cells of “social justice warriors” who counterproductively focus their energies on harshly criticizing ideological opponents &/or politically advocating the policies supported by the same. Zone 3 attendants, in a completely different vein, have left the worlds of persuasive discourse and political activism behind – choosing to boldly enliven their values instead of merely announcing them, and inspiring others to alter their more self-serving (and thus inherently less effective) beliefs by actively embodying a more caring way (one that is far more humble, far more courageous, far more ethically consistent, and thus inevitably far more potent). These Zone 3 representatives let their deeds do the majority of their talking; thus becoming potent champions of social justice – by becoming active agents thereof.



*Those partaking of the Zone 1 lifestyle tend to be certain that they & they alone know “the truth.” They tend to take themselves extremely seriously, and openly denounce the incorrect &/or “ignorant” views held by those of unlike mind. Zone 2 crusaders (while not as blatantly dogmatic in their professings of self-worth or intellectual correctness as their Zone 1 counterparts) disguise a similar manifestation of ideological arrogance under the thin veils of having been “humble” enough to have learned “greater truths” &/or having been blessed with the task of sharing a “deeper wisdom” with others.2 They take their teachings & the spreading thereof very seriously – often under the guise of being “giving” or “helpful” to those “less enlightened.” Zone 3 enthusiasts, in sparkling contrast, know that every sentient being is innately imbued with an objective understanding of the fact that they are all equally wondrous facets of the Whole – along with the truth that the only way to appreciate the same is by acting with according expressions of kindness & generosity – expressions they never preach and yet expressions they frequently (& quite boldly/radically) embody. As such, these champions of selfless Love are always exceedingly humble, and never lay claim to possessing exclusive knowledge of any kind. All wisdom they have accumulated is gently & fully shared, not to teach or persuade or convince, but solely to remind &/or re-awaken &/or offer. Others are not arrogantly “helped” – they are selflessly served. Others are not intellectually “enlightened” – they are unconditionally loved. Others are not spiritually “saved” – they are softly shown. In essence, while Zone 3 enliveners devoutly refuse to take either themselves or their beliefs seriously, they do in-deed lovingly immerse themselves into every interaction both joyously & earnestly.


1It is relatively easy to identify the Zone 2 false prophets posing as “Old Souls” – for they are the ones claiming to have access to “special knowledge” and often knowledge of a unique path thereto. They are the ones encouraging their students to “take care of themselves first” &/or “regularly spend time re-charging their batteries” &/or construct “healthy boundaries” between themselves and others in need &/or “manifest their own abundance” of material wealth & psychological comfort &/or immerse themselves in romance to “find their true love.” Souls that are earnest in their apparent ancientness are those who rebuff all offers of special status, reject all individual homage or honor, refuse to receive payment for their services or teachings, and repudiate all requests for specific advice related to attaining Enlightenment.

2With a few popular examples thereof being: those born as “indigo children,” various Buddhist bodhisattvas, members of Neale Donald Walsch’s “universal intelligentsia,” & any other self-professed “life coaches,” “light workers,” “spiritual counselors,” “divine channelers,” &/or “energy healers.”