Chapter 03: A differing focus of Attention

The third distinction between the three major levels of human Being relates to how their members tend to focus their attention as well as how they tend to engender their intentions. In this regard, feel free to humbly ponder & then courageously pro-act the following examples thereof …

*Whereas Zone 1 proponents primarily focus on themselves via their own state of well-being (&/or the well-being of their closest friends & family), see themselves as separate from others (“This is my life” or “I am my identity/ego”), and are essentially motivated by personal safety, comfort, pleasure, or gain, Zone 2 followers tend to focus on themselves via their own state of “personal growth” (“I am my True Self”), see themselves as interconnected with those of like-mind (primarily friends and non-frightening associates), and essentially desire to either “go within” in times of stress or “do good” (i.e. adhere to cultural norms, conform to communal expectation, fulfill established obligations, &/or reciprocate gifts received) whenever personal needs have already been met …

Zone 3 champions, on the other hand, focus repeatedly on the others in their communities (especially the strangers, the downtrodden, &/or the enemies therein), see themselves as integral facets of that Whole (and act accordingly – “We are all literally One”), and ever yearn to Do Good (i.e. be of self-sacrificial service for any & all in need).

*While Zone 1 advocates maintain a focus that is often hostile towards others – blaming those who have wronged friends, condemning those who have harmed them, and resenting those who have “unfairly” received the “fair share” or “just due” owed them, Zone 2 acolytes shift their focus to “friendliness” – striving to understand those who have wronged friends, halfheartedly (i.e. mentally &/or verbally) forgiving those who have caused themselves harm, and tolerating those of different opinion or creed (&/or any who are enjoying the “fair share” due to them instead). In stark contrast, Zone 3 supporters enliven a focus that is Caring – unconditionally (and often actively) Forgiving those who have wronged friends, unconditionally Accepting those who have caused themselves harm, and evincing an unconditional Joy for the success & happiness known by others.



*Insomuch as Zone 1 servants tend to analyzes their circumstances with an air of arrogant pride in one form or another (searching for “facts” on the news, whining about the good that isn’t or the bad that is &/or grasping or yearning for whatever “should be”), Zone 2 disciples process their lives’ happenstances under a penumbra of faux-humility (searching for “truth” online or in libraries or coffeeshops, announcing their subservience to “higher powers” or “the way things are,” incorrectly limiting their own potency by proclaiming to be “only human,” or debasing their own self worth by giving “only what they can”). Zone 3 enthusiasts, in marked contrast, always look at their environment with a sense of profound Humility (rediscovering real Wisdom via interpersonal interaction or immersion into community; Seeing whatever is without applying positive or negative judgments to the same – flowing smoothly with whatever happens: reveling in times of Joy and serving in times of sadness; concentrating on discovering opportunities to give instead of taking advantage of chances to gain).

*Though those mired in Zone 1 living are fixated on processing the “realities” of the material world (either a lack or an abundance of things, friends, &/or enemies – almost always leading to feelings of jealousy, envy, anger, frustration, sadness, or callousness), followers of Zone 2 principles frequently fixate on discovering the “truths” of the spiritual realm (truths they feel are missing due to a lack of knowledge, an obscurity of perception, &/or a succumbing to the intentional deceptions of others – often leading to feelings of inadequacy towards one’s station, neutrality towards the suffering of others, or edginess related to the sufferings of self). Contrastingly, Zone 3 adherents are ever-focused upon rediscovering the Truth of Oneness by re-enlivening the same for others (a state of Harmony between self & surroundings – via acts of selfless Kindness – that always engenders feelings of peaceful Compassion &/or euphoric Joy).

*Whereas Zone 1 advocates repeatedly concentrate on the desires & fears of the ego (a dualistic, me-vs-others, survival-based paradigm that focuses on the regrets or fears from one’s past pains or the angst-riddled worries over potentially imminent mishaps or traumas – a focus that always entrenches & indeed inevitably intensifies those same sufferings), Zone 2 followers tend to focus on the desires & yearnings of the Self/Soul (doing so mostly mentally or verbally, and doing so essentially dualistically as well – primarily for the often well-disguised personal benefits of “inner peace,” “enlightenment,” &/or “salvation”). The focus of Zone 3 participants, in stark contrast, resides in a realm that solely seeks to actively Care for those around it; that desires only to help others release their own desires, that demolishes the duality between self & other fluidly and powerfully in every harmonizing deed of intentional self-sacrifice.