Introducing Enlightenment — the WHAT of the matter

Traditionally understood, “enlightenment” refers to a state of heightened mental awareness; an exceptionally clear understanding of “the way the world works” – a manner of being steeped in an irrefutable inner wisdom and an unshakable outer calm – a beautiful blossoming of self supposedly accessible to all those willing to diligently strive to “master their demons” and “embrace their inner child” and “conquer their ego” and then “manifest their abundance.” Indeed, we are told by all manner of preachers and professionals and pundits that enlightenment is an ever-achievable goal that tantalizingly waits for us on the other side of a glowing portal partially ajar – a portal that their particular practice or their particular teaching or their particular dogma can open for us fully.


Of course, anyone possessing even the most rudimentary understanding of the way the human brain functions also knows that any lasting experience of this kind of “enlightenment” is impossible to attain. After all, the human cerebellum (the most primitive portion of the brain that generates & maintains a steady stream of subconscious self-concern – e.g. the drive to discern friend from foe, the impulse to respond to fear or uncertainty with either fight or flight, and the underpinning desire to survive & procreate) is always responding to external stimuli roughly .25 seconds faster than the human neocortex (the most advanced portion of the brain, and the one responsible for the making of any consciously caring decisions as opposed to merely instinctively callous ones) in any given moment. This means that “unenlightened” thoughts & impulses – even in the most highly disciplined human minds – are continually bubbling to the fore of any experience of every happenstance. As such, the mental tranquility of “enlightenment” as previously defined is a fleeting experience at best, and indeed remains fully unknown for most. And yet this physiological truth doesn’t stop preachers & pundits & guides & gurus from all creeds & cults from selling the same – from offering their abjectly hollow promises of “self improvement” & “personal growth” that always leave one feeling frustrated and less than, or spurring their patrons ever onward on a quest for “inner peace” that inevitably leaves its participants lacking the very same. And this is indeed why so many of the aforementioned Self-Help gurus (of words spoken as well as those written) have been financially successful – not because any of them offer anything of lasting substance as far as “attaining enlightenment” (or “inner peace” or “spiritual well-being” or “true purpose” or “real happiness” etc etc etc) is concerned, but rather because all of them patently cannot – meaning that no matter how soothing the meditation or enticing the visualization or promising the practice, “enlightenment” is never satisfyingly attained by those seeking it; leading them to book the next seminar or buy the next self-help book or attempt the next meditation technique.

Our ignorance is reflected in the habits of ourselves & our society. Having forgotten how to effectuate a sincerely spiritual Awakening, millions of people are slipping further & further away from their true conscious potential; actually walking in the opposite direction of their innate, internal wellspring of Enlightenment; all while thirstily & vainly searching for the illusory faux-treasure that is externally-sourced spiritual fulfillment.” ~ inspired by Mantak Chia



And this is precisely what this tome is about – exposing these same shackles of faux “enlightenment;” providing an illumination that will immediately free you therefrom, and thereby enabling you thereafter to come to know the sense of profound Peace, deep-seated Joy, & unconditional Contentment (i.e. my own very different definition of Enlightenment) that has been available to you all since toddlerhood.

And as we get started on this glorious adventure, realize first & foremost that there is no long & arduous path that needs be tread to attain the Enlightenment of which I share – no halcyon destination that awaits after years of trial & practice; no glowing door that needs passing through to one day arrive. For in truth you are all already at the very end of the only journey that matters – all of you just a single step away from completing the same. Yes, I readily admit that there does seem to be a closed door blocking your way; a door built from the primal fear that founds the human subconscious; a fear that constantly inspires doubt & sloth & sadness. And yet those who have the courage to read this work with an open mind and then enliven its contents with a bold heart will find that you need but peer through that culminating portal’s keyhole to realize that you are already standing on the Right Side of the same – and are but one step away from leaving it & its limitations far behind.