November 01 … Crafting in Youth

Co-creating Beauty is one of the foundations of a vibrant Community, and yet in our modern-day rush to “get things done” and then “have fun” thereafter, the majority of us seem to have lost the essence of that foundation.  With this thought in mind, go forth today and create something wondrous with (and for) others, remembering that one of the easiest & most powerful ways to Do so is with children.  So this morning head out to gather, collect, buy, or borrow as many different arts & crafts supplies as you can.  Then during the day at school/work, ask coworkers, friends & associates for their arts & crafts ideas (remember to tell them what you’re up to and invite them to participate).  Finally, after work/school, head to a homeless shelter, an orphanage &/or a children’s hospital and co-create some Wonder with the children there.

Bonus Activity:  Make luminaries with the members of your neighborhood.  It’s as easy as putting two cups of sand into a paper bag, turning down the top edge of the bag (so they will not so easily catch fire), and then setting a candle inside them.  Line your street with them (after telling your neighbors what they are) and then let the neighborhood children light them at sundown.