October 03 … Self re-Appreciation
Our ego’s focus is completely external – constantly either worrying about what could happen to us in the future or striving to avoid repeating the unpleasant occurrences of our past. Such a perpetual other-focus keeps us from pausing to consciously examine the true Source of our Life’s Meaning – namely,, ourselves and our choices … Keeping these thoughts in mind, today is a day dedicated to remembering who You truly Are. To this end, obtain a small mirror and carry it with you, remembering at least once every hour to pause for 30 seconds and gaze intently into your own eyes (If you do not have access to a hand mirror, use any reflective surface – e.g. windows, calm pools of water, elevator doors, etc). During the morning, while looking into your own eyes, choose to forgive yourself related to your past “mistakes” … During the afternoon, while looking into your own eyes, choose to be thankful for the True Self that is carrying You through Life … And this evening, while looking deeply into your own eyes, choose to extend that Self unconditional Appreciation – that you will be motivated thereby to do the same for others.