July 17 … Respecting Society

One doesn’t have to look very far to see that real Respect is a dying art in our society.  Gratitude is being replaced by feelings of entitlement, and the honoring of our elders is being replaced by “setting them aside” in nursing homes.  In essence, we are a culture that is forgetting how to treat others with Dignity & Honor.  With that in mind, regularly show others extreme Respect today – doing so to elderlies, parents, friends, teachers, associates, and especially strangers … How you Do so is up to you (e.g. ask their advice, ask their opinion, ask for their life-story, offer to help them, relay your Gratitude for their presence in your life, etc); simply be creative in your Honoring of them and the lives they are leading.

Bonus ActivitiesRespect your teachers (past or present) by honorably challenging three (3) things that you’ve been taught –– Respect the military by actively denouncing war –– &/or Respect the authorities by “violating” three conventions of “normal behavior.”  Every time you do so, you are actively remembering that fear has nothing to do with Respect; that real respect is always freely given, always courageously enlivened, and almost always unconventionally fulfilled.