June 19 … crossing to the Other Side

Make a “Gift Basket” today, being both creative and Caring, including some note related to the priceless worth of unconditional Kindness … Now take your basket and give it to the pastor of a “rival Faith” — if you’re an atheist, take it to a Baptist reverend.  If you’re Jewish, take it to an evangelical Christian preacher.  If you’re Christian, take it to a Buddhist monk or a Jewish rabbi.  If you’re a Hindu, take it to a Muslim leader (&/or vice versa).





Bonus Activity:  Hang out with whomever you give the basket to & engage them in conversation.  Remember to be unconditionally Kind and gently Humble.  Stay with them until you’ve found at least one major commonality between your faith (or lack thereof) and theirs (if needed, feel free to reference the info from April 14th above) …