May 18 … Challenging the “Norm”

At least once per hour today, act “inappropriately” (e.g. hum in a library until “shushed”, dance smoothly around the inside of a church, skip through a cemetery, speak gregariously with total strangers, pray in public with a smile on your lips and your eyes wide open, greet strangers warmly with a hug, etc) … Remember that your goal is not to offend or annoy or disturb or scare others (though your actions might inadvertently do so), but rather to free yourself & any witnesses to your actions from the shackles of “appropriateness.”  Remember as well to engage only those actions that truly speak to who you have chosen to BE.  If that means engaging in a “normal deed”, so be it — Just be sure to consciously act because you want to, not because you’re “supposed to.”