April 24 … Accepting What IS
Go the entire day using as few adjectives as possible (ideally none at all). If you do happen to use one, pause and re-view the thing, the person, or the situation you labeled and remove that descriptive judgment (even if it is “positive” or “accurate”). See the items, beings, or places anew and accept them as they are. Avoid limiting their Being with your subjective descriptions, focusing only on what actually is, not your comparisons or judgments or interpretations thereof … To enhance this experience, at least once every hour, pause to pick one item and describe it with a few “obvious” adjectives. Then, while still looking at it, consciously remove each one of those descriptors from your thoughts. Afterwards you should be left with at least one moment of wonderment — truly Seeing that object as it truly IS.
Bonus Activity: Take a shorter book from your personal collection, cross out all the adjectives therein, and leave it to be found by someone else. Include a short preface-note related to Being in the Moment by Accepting all that is as IS, and challenging whoever finds the book to read it all way through.