April 17 … on Forgiving the “powerful”
Write a few short notes of forgiveness – one to a local city prosecutor, one to a local judge, one to your local mayor, one to a local broker/banker, and one to a local evangelical preacher. Do not mention why you are doing so or what “offenses” you are forgiving (the recipients of your letters will know their transgressions far better than you). Indeed, all of these professions are steeped in wrong-doing (i.e. condemnation of others is patently “wrong”) and as such, they could all use lots of unconditional Kindness. So let each of them know that someone cares for them regardless of how many people they happen to condemn or mistreat or harm or injure while “on the job” … Let them know that they are loved anyway, by letting them know that they are forgiven.
Bonus Activity: Deliver these notes to their respective “perpetrators” in person. Do so with a gentle smile — and even a heartfelt hug if you’re feeling so inclined. Heaven knows these folks could all use one.