April 09 … Decreasing Duality

We have all grown up learning to judge between what is “good” (i.e. what brings us “safety” or pleasure) and what is “bad” (i.e. what brings us “danger” or pain).  In fact, this distinction is so primal that it influences every analysis, every opinion, and every belief we formulate in our minds.  Of course, while such a focus definitely served its purpose during our childhood, we no longer need to see the world from such a primitive point of view … As such, today is a day to go beyond dualities in assessing all the situations you encounter.  Today, there are no more enemies, no more obstacles, no more ugliness, no more “mean people”, and no more boring normalcy.  To realize this renewed Truth, purpose-fully analyze situations from a foreign perspective; taking the negative judgments you have formulated about three (3) other people (regardless of how “rational” or “justified” they are) and making them positive.