April 04 … Co-creating real Wealth

Today is a day to sustain yourself using no money whatsoever (take nothing edible from home to eat either).  It is OK to take a sack full of useful items and foodstuffs (e.g. pens, apples, granola bars, brownies, water bottles, etc.) to use as means to barter for your lunch and dinner (&/or whatever else you might fancy), noting that the more creative you are with your “trade goods,” the more fun you’ll have with this activity – and the more meaning you will ultimately get out of it.  Attempt to live as “normally” as possible, simply using the method of trade or barter as opposed to that of loan or payment.

Bonus Activity:  Eat a good breakfast and take no “barter items” with you whatsoever; simply going about your day Doing Good for others – eating only when offered food.  Remember to drink a lot during the day if doing this for the first time.