February 26 … Humbling the Ego

Note initially that humbling your ego has nothing to do with humiliating it.  Indeed, it is ironically our lack of true Humility that opens the door for us to be susceptible to humiliation, for only the proud person can muster the arrogance necessary to grant another person an authority over the worth of his/her True Self … So choose to be powerfully Humble today — When “wronged”, see those slights as opportunities to powerfully forgive.  When criticized, listen neutrally and intently.  When insulted, exude Compassion.  When praised, feel the same enthusiasm and send it back to the source of that compliment(s) … Later in the day, ask a Friend to criticize you &/or your life.  Listen to them, responding only with silence or an “Is that so?”  Ask the same Friend to list your positive traits as well.  Listen just as intently, responding again only with silence or an “Is that so?”  Thereafter, go forth and ask an associate to do the same, responding similarly (thanking them after they’ve finished).  Finally, on the way home this evening, gather three (30 “first impressions” about yourself from strangers on the street … Tonight at home, ruminate on both the similarities and the differences in these various critiques, compliments and impressions given you today.

Bonus Activity:  before going to bed, call an “enemy” and ask the same questions you asked your friend earlier, and respond to him/her with a similar neutrality (i.e. with an “Is that so?” or an “I see”).