February 20 … De-Craving Comfort

Remove all the typical “comforters” from your life today — When you awaken, use no slippers.  When you shower, shower cold.  If feasible, “use the bathroom” outside.  Eat cold bread and drink only water for breakfast (no vegan cream cheese & no jam).  Drive to and from work without using your car’s heater or radio (better yet, use public transportation).  Take no coffee breaks and avoid the Internet entirely throughout the day.  Eat meagerly for lunch and dinner (no sweets, no coffee, & no hot tea).  Imbibe no alcohol and smoke no cigarettes.  This evening, watch no TV and read no “pulp literature”.  Finally, go to bed without blankets & without a pillow … Note that the purpose of this day is not to “suffer”, but rather to renew your Appreciation for all the “luxuries” you already posses and regularly use.  Tomorrow, you’ll intimately remember how good you’ve got it – and might very well be re-inspired to share your blessings with others in need.