Gratitude 06 … Love

Today I am grateful for Love — both the feeling of deep-seated Peace that washes over me in all my moments of selflessness, as well as the ever so subtle base-frequency that is the foundation of the material Universe.


It is true that there are still times when I yearn for pleasures I no longer experience.  And there are still times when I too experience pains of body and mind.  Indeed, just like the rest of my sentient brothers & sisters, there are still times when my awareness wanders into analyzing the past or fantasizing about (or worrying over) the future.  And there are still times when I get lost in a vast array of “important things to do” … And, yet underneath all of these dysfunctions rests a bedrock of Love – the same foundation of solidarity that always shows us all the Way back to a life of harmony.


Indeed, all matter is simply light compressed into different densities, and that light is itself composed of the base-frequency we all know as “Love”.  As such, every particle of every facet of every portion of every setting of every moment of our lives is literally composed of various densities of compressed Love.

As such, it is not our “job” to make our Reality “better” (either for ourselves or for others), but rather to humbly harmonize our words and deeds with our Reality AS IT ALREADY IS — to harvest this Love by bringing others Joy or easing their burdens … And this Truth allows me to feel a deep Gratitude for all I allReady possess; allows me to re-member Joy in the midst of my moments of pain & dis-ease; allows me sense deep Wonderment when feeling “bored”; and allows me to re-member to Appreciate my Here&Now when tempted to wander mentally into the delusional realms of regret or worry.

And the key word here is “allows” — for no one (not even my own ego) can force me to awaken to thankfulness or happiness or wonderment or appreciation.  These (and any other Virtue with them) must be chosen before they can truly BE.  And it is a privilege to be able to do so; an intimate Honor — not a duty or an obligation.

Love, as the essence of Oneness, must be expressed as an active force before it can blossom into Reality. It mist be seen as a verb; not some mere emotion to experience or some mere possession to attain & hold for ourselves. Rather, real Love exists only in those moments when we give it to others — and only when we do so with courageous deeds (as opposed to mere “kind thoughts” or “kind words”) …


Today, I am thankful for this constant opportunity: the ever-present privilege, and the most humbling honor — to LOVE.

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!