December 18 … to Respect the Earth

Upon waking, stay in bed awhile and think about how the Earth provides for you.  Without its air, you would suffocate; without its water, you would die of thirst; without its plants, you would starve … Now, upon rising go immediately and lower your thermostat significantly.  If you end up wearing more cozy clothes around the house &/or using your fireplace more, so be it.  Next, go forth and buy a large quantity of energy-efficient light bulbs and install them throughout your home.  Finally, at sundown, choose to use only candlelight before going to bed.

Bonus Activity:  Invest in solar power for your home.  It will more than pay for itself eventually, and in the meantime does the Earth a lot of good.

Bonus Activity:  Considering that animal agriculture is responsible for most of the world’s deforestation, most of the world’s air & water pollution, most of the world’s oceanic dead zones, most of the world’s loss of species extinction, as well as the coming climate catastrophe that will end up wiping out the majority of sentient life on our planet (seeing as how humanity’s consumption of animal flesh & mammary secretions is responsible for over half of humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions), it is indeed extremely important for you to realize that by far the best way you can respect the Earth is to Go Vegan.