Soul Vision (January 3rd) …

January 03 – “Soul Vision: Regardless of your particular religious (or non-religious) beliefs, live the entire day today under the assumption that everything that happens to you — everything that you see &/or hear, and everyone who crosses your path — is a direct messenger from God (a.k.a. “the Universe” or “the Life Force”). Assume simultaneously that these messengers are all well-intended. It is your task to find the Goodness they are relaying and to use these Wisdoms to augment your Life. This means, of course, that the traffic light turning red is keeping you in the “right tempo” (be Thank-full for it!), that the butterflies you see are more than merely butterflies (follow them!), and that every stranger with whom you make prolonged eye-contact has some bit of information that will keep you on the Path to Happiness (engage these individuals in conversation – and Listen to what they say!) … Note that the more courageously you engage your “messengers”, the clearer (& the more potent) their Wisdoms will become.

It is slowly becoming common knowledge that everything in the Universe is essentially composed of light. This is as true for celestial bodies …

the Eagle Nebula

… as it is for our own.

the "Eagle Aura"

We may perceive some things as liquid and others as solid, some as dark and others as pale, some as hard and others as soft, and yet in reality they are all simply light – light condensed to different wavelengths and emitting uniquely different frequencies, and yet light nonetheless. And it is these unique frequencies that form the basis for today’s exercise …

In essence, in every moment of our lives we are transmitting a unique frequency into our surroundings – a frequency that is “composed” of our individual state of being at that time (combining what we are doing, with what we are feeling about what we are doing, with what we are thinking about how we are feeling, with out intentions – why we are choosing to do what we are doing in that particular moment). And, according to the laws of physics, the Universe as a whole has no choice but to respond directly to those emissions with entities resonating at a similar frequency. It really is a lot like throwing a stone into a puddle – water is displaced and sends out ripples that in effect “bounce back” to that stone.

As such, every time we come into contact with another being, our supra-consciousness is responding to its archetypal “ripples”, and it does so whether we are consciously aware of the particular archetypes involved or not.

These archetypal communications arrive in a variety of forms:

They appear as other living beings …

The eagle archetype always reminds us to be illuminated by the "bigger perspective"

They appear as artistic creations …

stained glass eagle by Chuck Peters

and they even appear as other people.

The Eagles

And the arrival of these messages is constant …

Synchronicity is not some rare experience of “coincidences” that are magnanimous or amazing. Synchronistic interconnection is an inherent facet of every moment of your lives. And each one of us can access this deeper form of communication, as long as we are humble enough to accept its existence, diligent enough to learn its archetypal language, and aware enough to perceive & decipher its messages.

remember to use your "eagle's eye"

One of the most common themes of such communications is Oneness – that the same “Golden Core” resides within every being around us …

… a Golden Core that desires only one thing: Harmony …

… and that can be literally felt in every act of conscious kindness.

And how do we access such information? Fortunately, no special knowledge or practice is needed. All that is required is that you pause,

intensely attend to whatever is nearby,

feel what your interactions might mean, and then act on that feeling.

So with this knowledge in mind, what did I “hear” today while “dialing in” to my own Greater Awareness? Here are some of the highlights …

I awoke in my bed to the distant wail & rumble of a train –

It was time to get moving – smoothly.

I was working at my desk and Nooka (my dog) came up to my window –

It was time to take a break & be actively kind (we went for a walk).

The Internet crashed –

It was time to look around and find something Beauty-full.

A sunbeam flowed through the clouds, through the trees, and through my window –

It was time to go work outside.

Food fell off the counter onto the floor at my feet –

It was time to break my fast (it was day 10, & I had planned for 11).

Remember: it doesn’t matter if the messages that come to you seem “illogical” or “inefficient” or even “irresponsible”.  If you exhibit enough faith in your very real Connection to the All, and if you do so by courageously acting on these impulses, wonderment always ensues.

Just pause, listen, feel & ACT … that’s all.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
