to answer Fear with LOVE … (01/29/2018)

You will know fear, my Friends … Indeed, you cannot escape it. No matter how successful or how powerful or how beautiful or how wealthy or how comfortable you become, fear will find always you, and uncertainty will rule your days once more … And yet fear need not be your enemy (for if you make it your enemy, it will always defeat you). No; fear can become a powerful ally; your most powerful ally of all — if (and only if) you choose to face it with Courage.


When you feel doubt, you can choose resolve;
When you feel uncertain, you can choose to leap with faith;
When you feel afraid; you can choose to be brave.


Yes, fear will find us all, my Friends, and yet we need not become a slave to fear. When we are tempted to recoil in pain, we can stride forth to keep loving anyway … When we are being persuaded to timidly “tow the line”, we can step forth and show them all who we truly Are … When we would be chided to look away from a beloved injustice or a commonplace travesty, we can stand forth with an open Heart & a raised fist and boldly shout “No More!”


For it is these moments that make our lives worth living, my Friends. so avoid letting them passed unused.  Face your fear, embrace your fear, and then leap right into its fanged face … It may seem vicious & indomitable at first, and yet in the end — once you act accordingly — fear is no match for You.



“I must not fear … Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration … I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path … Where the fear has gone there will be nothing … Only I will remain.” ~ Frank Herbert