Hero #084: M*A*S*H … (03/11/16)

M*A*S*H was a 1972–1983 American television series developed by Larry Gelbart.  The series, which was produced with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS – and which remains one of the highest-rated shows in U.S. television history, follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the “4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital” in South Korea during the Korean War … While essentially considered a comedy, the writing took on more of a moralistic tone as the show developed.  Airing on network primetime while the Vietnam War was still going on, the show’s discourse — under the cover of comedy — questioned, mocked, and even lambasted America’s immoral, often war-hungry role in international politics.
“I’m sick of hearing about the wounded. What about all the thousands of wonderful guys who are fighting this war without any of the credit or the glory that always goes to those lucky few who just happen to get shot?” ~ Frank Burns, M*A*S*H


“War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell — and between the two, war is a lot worse.” ~ Hawkeye, M*A*S*H