The ultimate (and ultimately only) Answer … (08/23/17)

“Love is by nature an untamed force – a completely selfless drive to Care that cannot be swayed or altered. That is why when we try to make Love about ourselves we suffer – why when we try to control it, it destroys us; why when we try to imprison it, it enslaves us, why when we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused … For Love is not about us at all.  Love is solely about the other.  Love is friendship that has caught fire and is burning its brightest.  Love is calm acceptance, Love is humble gentleness, Love is self-sacrificial sharing, and Love is actively tending.  Love is forgiving unconditionally and doing so ahead of time.  It is loyal in times of revelry and just as steadfast in times of betrayal. It settles willingly & continually for far less than perfection and forever allows for – even cherishes — the weaknesses and foibles of the one being Loved.  It pines for nothing, demands nothing, and hopes for nothing for its self – that is why it is indestructible, and those who embody it, invincible.” ~ inspired by Paulo Coelho & Ann Landers